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    We are pleased to announce the release of an update to the BJet Education Learning Management System. BJet's comprehensive LMS solution has been enhanced with an automated scheduling feature.

    BJet Education is a ready-made complex instrument, fits both for educational institutions’ administration and in-house staff development, training, or certification management within any company.

    LMS from BJet combines the tools of pupil/student attendance tracking, course registration, admission, and examination processes. It includes teachers/personnel management systems, invoicing, executive accounting, and reporting features.

    Our platform offers various student assessment methods, document management, and real-time notifications. You can set up different types of tuition fee payments, including installments.

    The built-in schedule management tool offers a drag-and-drop interface that allows the workload distribution automating yet allows for manual adjustments. Users can schedule lessons and set up reminders for student groups or courses.

    A centralized library management system allows administrators to track books, articles, and other printed publications using barcodes, which helps to efficiently and timely assemble replenishment inquiries.

    BJet Education offers a customizable dashboard to analyze finances, student activities, and teacher performance through KPIs and reports.

    Students, parents, and teachers can have instant access to the assignments, schedule, and events information via mobile or tablets, Android and iOS supported.

    Educational institutions and businesses can strive for the best results, equipped with online registration, audience and scheduling management instruments, a transparent attendance management system, class hours distribution, and an online payment acceptance solution.

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