Acceptable Use Policy – BJET
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    Acceptable Use Policy

    Use of the BJet Business Management System (BJet BMS) is governed by this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). This AUP is incorporated by reference to it in the Client Agreement of BusinessJetPro LLC (hereinafter – Bjet). The AUP is governed by the BJet Client Agreement between the Client and BJet. The Client is an individual and / or a legal entity that creates an account or buys / uses the BJet BMS (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”). Clients who are noted to be in violation of AUP may lose the access to use the BJet BMS because their subscription will be suspended without notice. In this case, the subscription fee is non-refundable.


    When registering, the Client must fill in the “Name”, “Surname”, “Email”, “Company Name”, “Phone Number”, and “Company Size” fields. Within a few minutes after completing the registration form, the Client will receive a confirmation email with further instructions on accessing the demo version. The Client is obliged to provide reliable information when filling the registration forms. In case of false information provided upon registration, BJet reserves the right to suspend the subscription without prior notice. In this case, the subscription fee is non-refundable. The exception is the use of BJet BMS during the free trial period.

    Security and access

    The Client is authenticated by entering the login and password provided by BJet. The Client is considered authorized only if the login and password match these designated to The Client by BJet.

    The Client is obliged to confirm the identity of each participant / subscriber / end user by confirmation by email or other means that BJet may approve at its own discretion. The Client is solely responsible for such authentication, any probable related loss/damage reimbursements and will protect and defend BJet from any claims related to such authentication.

    An Authorized User is an individual (e.g., employee, contractor, Client’s agent) who is registered and admitted by the Client to use the BJet BMS in accordance with the AUP and any restrictions in the relevant Subscription Plan (minimum package includes five (5) Authorized Users; additional users can be registered for a fee). Customer may not use any authorization code, license number, username and password combination, or other activation code or number provided by BJet in relation to any part of BJet BMS solution or services, on any number of devices in excess of the number specified in the Agreement with the Client;

    The Client must ensure that its Authorized Users comply with the terms of the AUP, and the Client is responsible for all actions of its Authorized Users.

    The Client must ensure that any passwords and other BJet BMS service access credentials are kept in strict confidence and are not provided to any person who is not an Authorized User. If the Client terminates cooperation with any Authorized User (termination of employment contracts or any other agreements providing for the performance of work by the User at the request of the Client), the Client must immediately terminate the person’s access to his/her account and any BJet services. The Client is responsible for any actions performed by users using accounts, passwords or access credentials. The Client must immediately notify BJet of any breach of security or unauthorized use of his accounts. Accounts are assigned to specific Clients and are prohibited to be shared, handed over or transmitted to others. Clients can use the BJet BMS only if they have reached the age of 18 and are able to legally consent to these AUPs. The Client may also allow its Authorized Users to use and access BJet‘s services on behalf of the Client.

    Warranties and disclaimers

    BJet BMS is provided “AS IS”, except as provided by the Agreement with the Client and AUP. BJet makes no other explicit warranties and disclaims all implied warranties, including any guarantees of merchantability and eligibility for a particular purpose. BJet clearly excludes its liability for any damages or damages arising from the Client’s use of any function of the BJet BMS in violation of the Agreement with the Client and AUP.

    Changes and updates

    BJet reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or update the BJet Software at any time and in any way. Such changes and updates take effect immediately after publication. Clients agree to such changes and updates by accessing or using the BJet BMS after the BJet developers have published the changes or updates.

    Illegal or harmful use

    You prohibited from using BJet to store, display, distribute or otherwise process illegal or harmful content. This includes the following:

    • Illegal activities: Promotion of drug trafficking websites or services, or child pornography.
    • Harmful or fraudulent activities: Activities that are harmful to others, the promotion of fraudulent products, services or schemes (such as quick money schemes, Ponzi schemes and financial pyramids, phishing or data farming) or other fraudulent activities.
    • Infringing Content: Content that violates the intellectual property rights of others.
    • Offensive Content: Content that is defamatory, obscene, offensive, infringes on confidentiality or is otherwise unacceptable, including child pornography, zoophilia, or sexual acts without the consent of a partner.
    • Malicious content: Intentionally malicious content and malicious programs such as viruses, Trojans, network worms, time bombs, keyboard recorders, spyware, adware, or any other malicious software or similar computer code, designed to adversely affect the operation of any software or hardware, etc.
    • Spam: Content that is published using the “black hat SEO” technique, using tricks such as keyword stuffing, disguise, spam links, etc. appropriating BJet’s reputation to promote third-party materials, products or services.

    Email abuse

    You cannot use the BJet BMS to send spam. This includes the following:

    • Junk Messages: Sending or facilitating the distribution of unsolicited bulk emails and messages either directly through the BJet BMS or indirectly through third-party email services. This includes the use of bulk email lists. Any e-mail distribution activity is subject to applicable legal restrictions, and you must be able to provide evidence of consent / permission for your e-mail distribution lists.
    • Forgery: Sending emails or messages with fake or confusing headers or obtaining personal information without the sender’s permission.

    Security breach

    You are prohibited from attempting to hack or hacking BJet, accessing or modifying content that does not belong to you, or otherwise commiting any malicious activity:

    • Unauthorized Access: Access or use of any BJet system or service without permission.
    • Security system research: Conduct any security system research or check of BJet controls without written permission, including with the help of scanners and automated tools. The exception is the situation when such actions were committed without a criminal purpose. Please see our Responsible Disclosure Policy page for more information on BJet security research.
    • Eavesdropping: Eavesdropping or recording data that does not belong to you without permission.
    • Other attacks: non-technical attacks such as social engineering, phishing or physical attacks against someone or any system.

    Abuse of network and services

    You cannot abuse BJet BMS. In particular, the following activities are prohibited:

    • Network Abuse: A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is caused by network traffic congestion that slows down the system, makes it inaccessible, or significantly affects the quality of service.
    • Unlimited RPC / API calls: Sending a large number of RPC calls or remote APIs to our systems without limitation, with the risk of affecting the quality of service to other users. Note: BJet provides batch APIs for import, so there should be no need for this. Restricted calls are generally acceptable for irregular use at 1 call / second, with no parallel calls.
    • Overload: Impact on the performance or availability of BJet by sending data with abnormal content on the Client’s own initiative. For example, sending a very large amount of data or a very large amount of items for processing, such as email bombs.
    • Scanning: automatically collecting information from BJet BMS resources in a way that affects the availability and performance of BJet BMS.
    • Attack: Use BJet cloud services to attack, scan, or otherwise affect the availability or security of third-party systems.
    • Misuse of registrations: use of automated tools for repeated registration or subscription to the BJet BMS, or registration or subscription with fake credentials or under the name of someone else without their permission.

    Report abuse

    Notification of any abusive behaviour using BJet BMS services can be sent to the responsible group by e-mail to

    Changes to the Acceptable Use Policy

    We may review the AUP at any time by making changes to this page. It is expected that the Client will read this page from time to time to take into account the changes we have made, as they are legally binding on the Client. Some of the provisions contained in this AUP may also be replaced by provisions or notices posted elsewhere on our site.