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    Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of ERP systems implemented by experts.

    Огляд ERP систем

    Ivanna Marchenko:

    SAP ERP is a classic ERP with all the pros and cons. The system covers a lot of business processes, but it is expensive to implement and maintain, not all the needs of Ukrainian accounting are considered, as well as:

    • improvements are long and expensive;
    • closed system code;
    • difficult to find programmers;
    • consultants and experts in the system are terribly expensive.

    Iryna Dmyterko:

    In my experience there were such programs as 1C, Oracle, a new BJet platform and a quick helper “just in case” for ERP – Excel. I evaluate these systems rather by the risks that are important in achieving the goals of company management, namely:

    • 1C system is built on the basis of accounting for documents, where management and accounting differ, so there is a high risk of the inaccuracy of data included in the analytical reporting. It is often necessary to introduce hundreds of controls, involve many developers and business analysts to manage data;
    • the ability to adjust the data in the system is always a threat to confidence;
    • lack of management reporting in the system, long-term development of additional reports (sometimes for months), which requires other analytical systems – all this creates conditions for non-operational management;
    • the risk is also the dependence on the fuzzy calculation of the improvement cost, when the business grows or changes;
    • less risk of, for example, 1C system, is a large number of integrators and developers, although it is difficult to find really high-quality specialists.

    I had little practice with the Oracle system. We implemented international reporting at the level of a foreign holding. The task was to collect the accounting data from various systems by country. We imported the data into Excel and then exported it, already formatted and consolidated, to Oracle. It was rather an experience of implementing a system of storing verified data without the possibility of their adjustment, which gives confidence to users of reports.

    Нова на ринку України система BJet значно знижує перелічені вище ризики при управлінні, основні переваги ви можете прочитати на сайті Для мене, як фінансиста, важливою є присутність в системі BJet швидких управлінських звітів та дашбордів і те, що система є основним місцем управління даними компанії.

    Serhiy Kharytonov:

    I can fully and with confidence talk about 1C: Enterprise, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Odoo, BJet ERP. There was also little experience in implementing SAP modules, familiarity with Zoho, Xero, QuickBooks.

    There is a lot to talk about the pros and cons of each, but I would rather highlight the readiness of systems for new infrastructure settings, online, modularity as opposed to monolith, as well as ease, modernity, and intuitive user interface, data security, availability, scalability.

    Natalia Yurystovska:

    QAD, is an ERP system for medium and large manufacturing enterprises.


    • reliability;
    • there are all critical modules: warehouse, production, inventory management, serialization, quality control, planning, purchasing and sales, finance, analytics, CRM, etc.;
    • it scales, integrates and adapts;
    • it can be implemented by a small team relatively quickly.


    • UX in older versions of QAD;
    • lack of HR and salary modules.

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